Dec 31, 2020
This week on Blitz, we've got Steve Homer, Adam Fried, Matty Kimberlin, and a lot of tough questions! Liste in and see who will be returning for the wave championship.
Dec 24, 2020
Jeremy Cahnmann, Chuck Yu, and Alex Misner are here this week to start off Wave 20 of Blitz! It's a great battle. Enjoy!
Dec 17, 2020
Mike Petkun, Rob Worman, and Carmela Smith are all back this week to see who will be coming out on top for season 19. Listen in and see who will reign the wave!
Dec 10, 2020
Adam Kohrman, Carmela Smith, and Mike Cameron are here this week to go against each other and Tim's questions to wrap up the first round of this wave of Blitz. The join the winner again next week for the Wave 19 championship!
Dec 3, 2020
Continuing into wave 19, this week we've got Dan Felsenheld, Mike Petkun, and Jeremy Goodson joining us for a great round of fast-paced trivia. Listen and find out who will come out on top!